Home - chickpeas

Tag: chickpeas

Cresc' tajat Maltagliati e Ceci
Fish, Main

Cresc’ tajat Maltagliati e Ceci

Cooks in 30 minutes Difficulty Hard

So here is our humble attempt to make Cresc’ tajat Maltagliati e Ceci. We have a little secret to share with you – sometimes we don’t really know what we’re doing in the kitchen. Shh, don’t tell anyone! We know […]

Panisse with Aioli and Artichoke Salad
Sides, Veggie

Panisse with Aioli and Artichoke Salad

Cooks in 1.5 hours Difficulty Medium

We often say we need a vacation because it’s been a while, and we need a break and some culinary inspiration. Because when we do go on vacation, the first criterion is food.  Nearly a year ago, in such a […]

Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potato With Chickpea Salad
Brunch, Main, Vegan

Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potato With Chickpea Salad

Cooks in 1 hour Difficulty Medium

This stuffed sweet potato with chickpeas recipe is for all the broke students, the lazy cooks, the zero-waste lovers, and busy families.For the past 10 years, Uri has been working in fine dining establishments. But he always dreamed of serving […]