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Cresc' tajat Maltagliati e Ceci
Fish, Main

Cresc’ tajat Maltagliati e Ceci

Cooks in 30 minutes Difficulty Hard

So here is our humble attempt to make Cresc’ tajat Maltagliati e Ceci. We have a little secret to share with you – sometimes we don’t really know what we’re doing in the kitchen. Shh, don’t tell anyone! We know […]

Pan-Fried Cauliflower Steak Shemesh Kitchen

Pan-Fried Cauliflower Steak

Cooks in 30 minutes Difficulty Hard

Cauliflower steak has become an increasingly popular alternative to meat-based meals for vegetarians and those who are simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into their diets. However, cauliflower steak is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed by anyone, […]

Saganaki Tarte Tatin With Eggplants
Main, Veggie

Eggplant Tarte Tatin With Feta

Cooks in 1 hour Difficulty Medium

Sometimes wishes do come true! Sophia repeatedly ‘implied’ she’d like to make saganaki, or something with filo, or feta, and also, maybe Tarte Tatin. And while we’re it, we could also make some eggplant because why don’t we cook eggplant […]

Squirrel Tail Fish With Agrodolce
Fish, Main

Squirrel Tail Fish With Agrodolce

Cooks in 45 minutes Difficulty Medium

To celebrate the fact that oil prices are getting slightly more reasonable, we’ve decided to deep fry some stuff! We have been haunted by the idea of agrodolce for a while now. Agrodolce is a traditional Italian sweet and sour […]

Italian beans on toast - Shemesh Kitchen
Main, Veggie

Italian Beans On Toast

Cooks in 30 minutes Difficulty Easy

Beans are the best. Beans on toast are superior.  We saw these beautiful fresh Borlotti beans at the market and just had to get them, cook them, and get rid of their beauty. However, less beauty means more taste, and […]