Brunch, Veggie

Turkish Eggs With Tomatoes, And Padron Peppers

Cooks in 30 minutes Difficulty Easy

Turkish eggs or çilbir is a traditional breakfast food from Turkey. This dish contains fried or poached eggs with garlic-y yogurt and paprika butter. We added Padron peppers, tomatoes, and deep-fried bread. Those toppings are not traditional but rather our twist for this dish. The Padron peppers add smoky-grassy notes and the tomatoes freshen things up, making this a perfect breakfast for hotter days.

We made an extra-large portion of these Turkish eggs for sharing because this is how we roll. But you can make smaller portions if you don’t like to share. We don’t judge (well, we do but in silence).

We like to get inspired by various cuisines around the world. However, we always try to be respectful of the heritage and inspiration of our dishes. Cultural appropriation in food is a huge problem, and we don’t want to play a part in this. But, like all people, we can make mistakes. Just send us a message on Instagram or TikTok if you feel we did someone or something wrong.

Turkish eggs or çilbir are poached eggs with garlic-y yogurt and paprika butter. We added Padron peppers, tomatoes, and deep-fried bread.

We teamed up with asourstory, who made the amazing sourdough bread chips for this recipe. Make sure to check out her content; she’s talented.


Turkish Eggs With Tomatoes, And Padron Peppers

Turkish eggs or çilbir are poached eggs with garlic-y yogurt and paprika butter. We added Padron peppers, tomatoes, and deep-fried bread.
Total Time 30 mins
Course breakfast
Servings 2


  • 400 g yogurt 10% fat
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 large-ish tomatoes
  • 1 pack Padron peppers Pimientos de Padrón
  • 1 garlic clove grated
  • 100 g butter
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp sweet or hot paprika depends on how spicy you are
  • olive oil
  • white wine vinegar
  • salt
  • flaky salt


  • Mix the yogurt with a bit of salt (to taste) and grated garlic. Set aside in the fridge.
  • Place the tomato on its side so that the top of the tomato (the little green stem thingy) faces to the side. Cut the tomato in half.
  • Grate the tomato halves with the cut-side first. Gate until only the tomato skin is left (you can throw it away, it’s okay). Season the tomato puree with salt.
  • Add a splash of olive oil into a large pan, add flaky salt and the Padron peppers. Sear until peppers are very brown and soft. Set aside.
  • In the same pan, melt the butter and paprika powders. Simmer until butter is slightly brown and very fragrant.
  • Let’s poach some eggs. You can do it! In a medium saucepan, bring water to a gentle simmer. You want some mild bubbling. Add a splash of vinegar. Crack each egg into a small bowl and drop the eggs gently, one by one, into the pan. Our tip to get the perfect shape is to turn the egg over itself using a spoon as soon as it gets in the water—Cook for around 3 minutes. The eggs are ready when the yolks slightly jiggle, but the egg whites feel completely solid. Feel free to trim any rogue egg white strands.
  • You did it!!! Well, almost. To serve, put yogurt into a wide, deep dish. Top with the tomato puree, the Padron peppers, and the paprika butter. Add the bread chips (check @asourstory for the recipe!). Finish with some flaky salt. Eat!

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